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Routine Exams & Cleanings

Dr. Nguyen performs exams at least once a year in order to diagnose any necessary treatment.

What to expect during examination:

  • Any necessary x-rays are taken for proper diagnosis
  • Dr. Nguyen will perform a comprehensive exam to diagnose any treatment necessary to restore oral health, including a head and neck evaluation
  • Findings and observations will be used to formulate a treatment plan 
  • Treatment plan will be discussed with the patient and necessary appointments can be made at this time

Cleanings — There are three types of dental cleaning:

Scaling & Root Planing

SRP appointments serve to remove bacteria and calculus (tartar) below the gumline on the root surfaces. The SRP patient has deep pockets that surround each tooth, usually associated with periodontal disease and bone loss. This procedure is often completed on 1-2 quadrants of the mouth at a time, typically utilizing local anesthetic. 

Periodontal Maintenance (PMR)

It is necessary to maintain healthy pockets after an SRP appointment. The PMR cleaning is necessary at intervals of 3-4 months. These appointments serve to remove any tartar or bacteria that may have built up in the deeper pockets since the SRP appointment. 


This is a basic cleaning that removes surface stain, plaque and calculus. The patient usually does not have any gum disease and a coronal polish follows.